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- Seismic Isolation

- Structural Bearings


Pot Bearing

Kawakin's CORE-POT pot bearing consists of a compression-resistant chloroprene rubber sheet tightly placed in a steel pot subjected to vertical and rotational loads, on top of which is a piston plate that both transmits vertical and horizontal loads to the wall pot, as well as the support of the slide (of PTFE or special sliding material). The pot bearing is connected to the upper structure and the lower part by a system of anchor rods and connecting bolts. For bearings requiring unidirectional displacement, a guide bar system will be added. The entire bearing surface and details including bolts and bolt threads are sprayed with anti-corrosion protection by Al-Mg(5%) metal thermal coating method with an advanced plasma arc spray gun, ensuring durability corrosion resistance throughout life without coating maintenance.

Horizontal Force Dispersing Rubber Bearing

Horizontal force dispersing rubber bearings are a rubber bearing solution that low damping, arranged in bridge construction projects using all rubber bearings on all piers to reduce force concentration at the piers where are required arrange fixed bearings, softening the structure by extend the structure's specific oscillation period. Horizontal force dispersing rubber bearings are usually made from natural rubber or low damping rubber, the damping coefficient of the bearings normally less than 6%. The bearing structure consists of steel plates that connect the superstructures and substructures tightly with the rubber part to transfers force from the span structure to the substructure smoothly and steady.

- Expansion Joints

- Other Devices



The Al-Mg alloy plasma arc thermal spraying method is the most advanced technology in comparison to existing metal thermal spraying methods available in the world today. The technology is patented in 5 countries around the world, including the US and Japan. In this method, the Al-Mg alloy wire is melted and sprayed onto the metal surface as well as the steel part that needs to be protected.
Catch Basin

Rubber Pad Bearing

Kawakin's rubber bearing, CORE-PAD, consists of a vulcanized rubber material with layers of inner steel plates. Rubber sheets are subjected to vertical loads and deformation with displacement due to temperature changes. In addition, the structure of rubber bearings with PTFE sheets will meet the requirements of large displacements with low elevation limits. The PTFE sheet is recessed into the top steel plate of the rubber bearing, ensuring the anti-slip properties of the PTFE sheet from the bearing surface in compliance with the requirements of the current AASHTO LRFD standard for PTFE connection structure in rubber bearings.


To make sure the bridge project are always be safe and used effectively over many years, drainage methods are especially important, especially drainage along to bridge longitudinal direction, the product that takes on that role is the catch basin. In addition to meeting the standardized products of road and bridge management agency, with extensive accumulated experience, we can meet all the proposed requirements. The catch basin products of Kawakin Core-Tech are made from cast iron materials, ensuring aesthetics, corrosion resistance as well as high durability. Types of catch basin are standardized according to Japanese standards.